AutoPackager - In order to distribute a Native lesson or application to a Windows computer (in non-DHTML format), the AutoPackager is used.SCORM/AICC - ToolBook provides SCORM and AICC support within web-published lessons for use in SCORM/AICC compliant Learning Management Systems.Media Players - ToolBook supports the ability to play Audio and Videos in a wide variety of formats, supported by these 4 media technologies: Windows Media Player, RealPlayer, QuickTime, Flash.Path Animation - Any object in ToolBook can be configured to move (animate) across the page using a simple or even complex path.Simulations can be played back in 3 modes: Demonstration (sit back and watch), Practice (provides detailed next-step instruction to user, allowing them to complete the simulation), Assessment (let the user attempt the simulation by themselves). Simulation Editor - You can create your own simulations manually or edit/modify a simulation you recorded using the Simulation Recorder.Simulation Recorder - The Simulation Recorder will watch and record you interacting with another application, and allow you to import that simulation into ToolBook as an interactive simulation (this is not a video recording).Once installed, you'll find this Add-on within the main Ribbon within PowerPoint. PowerPoint Converter - The PowerPoint Add-on (called SumTotal Publish To ToolBook) will allow you to convert a PowerPoint presentation into a ToolBook file.Book Explorer - The Book Explorer will display a tree-view breakdown of all objects on a given page.You can even add your own objects to the catalog so that they can be used later in different projects.

For example: Text fields, Buttons, Question Objects, Rectangles, Navigation Controls.