A little rivalry is always good and usually produces better and wider options for computer users. In my personal opinion, I'm glad to have another possibility to choose from when deciding which suite I'm going to use. The suite includes all the basic tools that you could expect in such an application: spell checker and tables for documents, predesigned templates for presentations and charts for spreadsheets - to name a few - besides the usual configuration options as regards fonts, colors and the like. What's more, you can have as many opened documents as you want at the same time, no matter which type, and switch between them in the top tab bar.

Simply click on the "Open" button and select the kind of document you want to open: the program's toolbar will change accordingly. However, Lotus Symphony stands out for a convenient, single-windowed interface from which you can launch the three apps. It's true that other productivity suites are usually more complete. IBM Lotus Symphony offers three tools: word processor, spreadsheet and presentations. IBM Lotus Symphony is the only desktop suite that, together with OpenOffice, can offer a free alternative to Microsoft's proprietary apps. The idea is not new: there have been a few free suites launched lately, but all of them were online. And now IBM makes a new move and offers its own productivity suite, all free of charge. Then OpenOffice appeared as an open-source alternative.

Softonic review Completely free office suite for docs, sheets and presentations